Holey Moley I have a lot of WIPs. A LOT. I think I lamented this fact
a while back, but again, the amount of little project bags dotting my living space has made me feel anxious.
So today I wanted to air them out, and hopefully full disclosure will set my mind at ease! I warn you that you might actually be bored to tears by this, and I'm sure a lot of you will be all 'TL;DR' but whatevs! This is mah blog and I'll do what ah wahnt!!
Imma start with the newbies.
Blissful Flowers Shawl. Making this for my crochet biatch, Ang for her birthday in May. Her choice of pattern and colour (the colour is very difficult to photograph, its a lot nicer in real life). Such a clever construction! A way to make a billion motifs without having to cut the yarn! Genious! I am enjoying the challenge of a new pattern. The pattern is from Kristin Omdahl's
Seamless Crochet.
Brought to you by my super exclusive and very fashionable Pandora vinyl tote! |
Baby set. Another first, my first time working a Japanese pattern. At first I was like waaahhhhhhh?? I'm usually quite good with diagrams, but the back of the bonnet had me stumped. For a day. Then I was all, whatevs, I got skillz, Imma do this! And I did.
Brought to you by my awesome Dark Days Down Under tour tote I picked up at the book signing! |
Neat Ripple Scarf. Just grabbed a left over skein of King Cole to try this
Lucy pattern out. I'm planning a ripple blanket (pfft after I get through my current WIPs) and seeing which ripples turn me on. Though I love Lucy, this pattern just wasn't pressing my buttons, so I think i will opt for the ripplier
Ripples of Happiness. Happiness > Neatness anyway, right?
Bow down before my blurry photography prowess!! |
Amigurumi BTTF Delorean. Seriously, no joke. Freestylin' this for my man. I got so excited he actually asked me to crochet him something, I thought, woooo fo' sure! I made the bonnet and the windscreen, then run out of puff because I couldn't work out how to make a slope. Watch this space though!
Brought to you by my spiff Yarn Bucket! |
To clarify, this is a Delorean from the Back to the Future Animated Series. Yes, there was an animated series!
What up Marty? (via) |
And some other stuffs you may have seen before.
Hitchhiker. Nothing new here. Move along.
wait wait WAIT! I keep this project in one of my home made GRAB BAGS. Yerr I made these myself. Pattern here. If I can make this, being a spaztasitc sewer, so can you! |
Gauzy Gathers Scarf. Haven't actually touched this is aaaagggeesss. Such a shame because it will be such a cute scarf. I did a few rows when I got my new bamboo needles, and the yarn likes the bamboo much more than ickle plastic, but it's so fiddly I moved onto different garterlicious knitting projects and left this one to hiberate. Sweet dreams little scarf.
Brought to you courtesy of this lovely plastastic flower tote! |
Stepping Stones Cardigan. This is a FAIL, with a capital F. I can think of other 'F' words I'd like to use in relation to this cardigan too. It's not that bad I suppose, but just so FFfffffrustrating that I spent SO LONG on it only to discover it doesn't really fit. I am just leaving this one alone in it's bag so it can have a think about what it has done.
Presented to you inside a lovely pink foldable flower tote! |
Aran Toggle Wrap. This was supposed to be a gift for mum, for her birthday in SEPTEMBER LAST YEAR. Oh I am a terrible daughter. Butbutbut there's only so much green mock seed stitch a girl can take!
Shamelessly presented in a Glassons shopping bag, which is slowly growing too small for this behemoth of a project! |
Pink Bear. I made this during some lessons I was giving to my crochet biatches. Crochet biatch R chose the pattern, but I don't think any of us finished it! Mine just looks weird, like a cow's udder, so I am not feeling very enthused to keep going.
Again, courtesy of a home-made grab bag!! |
TARDIS. Oh the TARDIS. This is one of the first things I ever started making when I taught myself to crochet. But then I got distracted by all the pretty pattens. A running joke in my family is someone asking me 'so how's the Tardis going' and then me punching them in the face. Never fear, my Tardis is going to be
epic when it's finished. I will have a wooden box made for the inside, and the top will come off as a lid and I will put things in the box!
TARDIS lives in a shoe box. Sowwy TARDIS. |
Summer Garden Granny Square afghan. Another project started early on in my crochet career, when I was dazzled by brightly coloured grannies and had no notion of the agony that is weaving in ends. I now have a deal with my mother, She gets this as a gift if she weaves in the ends! Fair enough right?
Kept in a rather fetching The Age shopping bag, available annually with your copy of The Age (probably the Sunday edition) |
So, all my WIPs in their respective project bags lie in wait in a tub in my lounge room, next to a much lovelier looking tub filled with recently acquired yarn that will one day become a
ripple blanket. If
and only if I can make some headway with my current projects
. But then again, there's no crochet police so maybe I will just start it anyways...
Linking with WIP Wednesday at
Tami's Amis.. go go go!
ETA: Linking with
Ambassador Crochet too - why not!!