17 March 2011

A bit of progress and a lot of planning...

I learned to crochet in November last year and it's a bit disconcerting how addicted to yarn I have already become. 

I'm still working on my Tardis, nearing completion of second side.  I'm exicted to get it finished, but blue blue blue gets a bit boring. 

I'm also working on an insanely intricate teenage mutant ninja turtle for my sister's birthday (which has already passed!).  It is a Kathleen Early pattern and I'm happy with how it is coming out, but there is SO much counting!  Here are the legs (there are even little toes on the feet) and the shell not yet stitched together...

I've ordered a bunch of yarn for future projects too...

Some King Cole Riot in 'Dude'.  Its an acrylic wool blend but lovely and soft with long colour changes. I am planning a half-granny shawl with this. 

I've also ordered some Aade Long, Artistic 8/2 on ebay, which is 100% wool from Estonia with long colour changes in purple/grey/black.  Planning some other shawl with this, but not sure yet!

Finally, because this blog is a place where I want to flag ideas for the future, one thing I'm planning is a Rapunzel themed item, from the Disney movie Tangled.  I am so obsessed with this movie at the moment, I almost love it more than The Little Mermaid *le gasp*

The colours in this movie are gorgeous, espeically Rapunzel's colour scheme.  She is all yellow/orange/pink/ purple.  I am currently lusting after Zauberball by Schoppel Wolle.  Another colour changing yarn (can you see a trend?)!  The Fushia colourway looks just about perfect for this future project.


  1. Wow, those little TMNT legs are so cute!!!! :D
    It will be amazing when you are finished.

    Lovely, lovely wool :)

  2. That Zauberball is absolutely gorgeous. I haven't seen Tangled, but I do love the Little Mermaid, so may need to check it out!
